Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Highland Drive Road, Seminary Hills,
Nagpur- 440006 (Maharashtra)
CIN :- U13100MH1972GOI016078
Website: www.mecl.co.in E.Mail: recruitment@mecl.co.in
Advertisement No. 02/Rectt./Contract-2017 Date: 02.05.2017
ADVERTISEMENT FOR ENGAGEMENT OF EXPERTS ON CONTRACT BASIS IN MECLMineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) a profit making Public Sector Enterprise (A Miniratna Company) under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India. The Company has its Corporate Office at Nagpur and Zonal Offices, Projects situated all over in India.
Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL) invites applications for Engagement of Experts from desirous and eligible candidates who retired as Directors, Executives/ Officers of other PSUs/ Central/ State Government(s)/ Autonomous Bodies funded by Government of India/ State Government(s) and Ex-Executives of MECL (who are more than 62 (sixty two) years of age) on Contract basis, having requisite expertise and professional competence of their work domain for engagement against the following levels at MECL on short term contract basis initially for a period of one year, which may be extended further depending upon their performance.
01. EXPERT (CIVIL) : 01 No. (Level- Senior Expert)
Job Profile: Expert (Civil) will provide expert advice on the design, planning and management of civil construction of multi complex laboratories, workshops stores and office and conference cum training centre at utility complex. Expert role is central to ensuring the safe, timely and well-resourced completion of project. Liaisoning with clients and will plan, manage, design and supervise the construction of project.
Eligibility Criteria: Former Chairman–cum-Managing Director, Former Directors of a CPSU or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings/ Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State/ Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
02. EXPERT (IT): 01 No. (Level- I)
Job Profile: To provide guidance in preparation of GRs / using various softwares and aligning GR preparation processes with ERP. The Expert will provide support in installation, configuration, data migration and testing of ERP System for various activities conducted by Exploration Division including preparation of Geological Reports. He will be responsible for Technical supervision Coordination and quality control for implementing new softwares for preparation of Geological Reports etc.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
Job Profile: To advice and review geological mapping, sampling programmes, correlation of various test results of Geophysical Exploration & Remote sensing data for green field/ brown field exploration from G-4 to G-1 stages and finalisation of G.R.s and resource estimation during various phases of exploration as per UNFC Guidelines and Mineral (Evidence of Mineral Content) rules 2015. The Expert should assist MECL in formulation of exploration strategy for non-coal minerals. They will be responsible for Technical Supervision/ Coordination and quality control for any outputs such as field study and preparation of Geological Maps / Geological Reports etc.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time
Job Profile: To conduct and review geological mapping, sampling programmes, correlation of various test results of Geophysical Exploration & Remote sensing data for green field/ brown field exploration from G-4 to G-1 stages and finalisation of G.R.s and resource estimation during various phases of exploration as per UNFC Guidelines and Mineral (Evidence of Mineral Content) rules 2015. They will be responsible for Technical Supervision / Coordination and quality control for any outputs such as field data, preparation of geological maps / sections and Geological Reports.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-6 / E-5 / E-4 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings/ Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
05. EXPERT (GEOPHYSICS) : 01 No. (Level - I)
Job Profile: Decide surface geophysical methods to be conducted in Greenfield / Brownfield exploration including 2D / 3D Seismic Survey. Interpretation of geophysical anomalies with geological exploration data for mineral targeting and finalisation of geophysical reports as per UNFC Guidelines and Mineral (Evidence of Mineral Content) rules 2015. He / She will also be responsible for Technical Supervision / Coordination and quality control for outputs of various types of Geophysical surveys and their co-relation with Geological data/structure.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
Job Profile: To provide guidance to the field geologist for applying latest Geochemical Methods for mineral targeting in Greenfield/ Brownfield exploration. Guiding for preparing advice for chemical analysis, physical & petrological studies etc. for all the minerals and will also assist in planning capacity addition and modernisation of MECL Lab. He / She will be responsible for Technical Supervision / Coordination and quality control for sample preparation and making analyses advice for preparing Geological Reports.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
Job Profile: Expert to plan / Conduct and review Geological activities of detailed exploration for Coal & Lignite. Finalization of Geological Report’s and resource estimation during various phases of exploration as per UNFC / ISP guidelines. He /She will also be responsible for Technical Supervision / Coordination and quality control for any outputs such as field data, Geological maps and preparation of Geological Reports etc.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time.
08. EXPERT (HR) : 02 Nos. (Level-I)
Job Profile: The incumbent in the capacity of Expert (HR) will be responsible for revision of Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules and the Standing Orders and for providing organizationally viable advice on all legal/Vigilance matters, revision of the Personnel manual and Industrial Relations Policies in line with the latest developments in the field. He / She will also assist in the implementation of the Post Retired Medical & Pension Schemes and be responsible for evolving HR processes aligned with the latest trends in the industry to suit, and in line with organisational feedback and give his/her recommendations. He / She will assist in operationalizing of the HR processes, policies and HR systems of MECL. He/ She will catalyse implementing progressive HR policies for the Company.
Eligibility Criteria: Retired Executives at level of E-9 / E-8 / E-7 of CPSUs or retired from equivalent position from Centre / State Government Departments / Undertakings / Enterprises / Union Territories & Autonomous Bodies under State / Central Government.
Type of engagement: Full Time/Part Time
Last date for receipt of application: 17/06//2017 (Saturday)
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