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WAPCOS Limited an ‘ISO 9001’ “Mini Ratna-I” Organization intends to fill up the following posts on Contract Basis for its various Projects at different locations in the State of Odisha. The requisite qualification and experience prescribed for the posts are as under.
5/476/PMC/2017  Recruitment of various Posts
Opening Date: 30-01-2017
Last Date: 15-02-2017
Sr. No
Chief Project Consultant/ Team Leader
Degree in Civil Engineering (Preferably with MBA)
Minimum 20 Years Experience in Civil Engineering sector out of which 5 years experience in Electro-Mechanical project implementation as Lead Executive in an EPC/ Turnkey Package costing at least Rs.200 crore in Lift Irrigation Projects. Should have worked/ retired in the level of Chief Engineer/ Superintending Engineer under State Govt. or General Manager/ Dy.General Manager in Central/ State Govt. Undertaking or in a similar position in the Private Sector. Upper Age Limit – 65 Years
Resident Engineer (Civil)
Degree in Civil Engineering
Minimum 15 Years Experience in Electro-Mechanical Sector out of which 5 years experience in EPC/ Turnkey Package Lift Irrigation works. Should Have Worked/Retired minimum in the Level of Executive Engineer under State Govt. or Asst. General Manager In Corporate Sector or in a similar position in the Private Sector. Upper Age Limit- 65 Years.
Resident Engineer (Mechanical)
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Minimum 15 Years Experience in Electro-Mechanical Sector out of which 5 years experience in EPC/ Turnkey Package Lift Irrigation works. Should Have Worked/Retired minimum in the Level of Executive Engineer under State Govt. or Asst. General Manager In Corporate Sector or in a similar position in the Private Sector. Upper Age Limit- 65 Years.
Engineer (Electrical)
Degree/ Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Minimum 2 years experience for Graduate Engineers with Degree in Electrical Engineering and 3 years Experience for Diploma Engineers (Electrical). Experience in Lift Irrigation and Water Supply Project is necessary. Upper age limit-45 years.
Engineer (Civil)
Degree/ Diploma in Civil Engineering
Minimum 2 Years’ Experience for Graduate Engineers with Degree in Civil Engineering and 3 years Experience for Diploma Engineers (Civil). Experience in Lift Irrigation and Water Supply Projects is necessary. Upper Age Limit- 45 Years.
Engineer (Mechanical)
Degree/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Minimum 2 Years Experience for Graduate Engineers with Degree in Mechanical Engineering and minimum 3 years Experience for a Diploma Engineers (Mechanical). Experience in Lift Irrigation and Water Supply Projects is necessary. Upper Age Limit- 45 Years.
Resident Engineer (Electrical)
Degree in Electrical Engineering
Minimum 15 years Experience. Should have worked / retired in the level of minimum Superintending Engineer under State Govt. or Deputy General Manager in Corporate Sector. Experience in construction of 33/11 KV Sub-Stations & EHT SubStations and line works of 132 KV & above will be preferred. Upper Age Limit-65 years.
Expert (Electrical)
Degree in Electrical Engineering
Minimum 10 years Experience. Should have worked in the level of Executive Engineer under State Govt. or Asst. General Manager Electrical in Corporate Sector. Experience in construction of 33/11 KV Sub-stations, EHT Sub-stations & EHT lines. Erection and O & M of SPV Power Plants & Smart Metering will be preferred. Upper Age Limit-65 years.
Design Engineer (Electrical)
M. Tech in Power Systems
Candidates from reputed Institutes with good academic career with specialization & experience in Solar Power System & smart metering will be preferred. Upper Age limit-30 years.
Engineer (Electrical)
Degree/ Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Minimum 2 years experience for Graduate Engineers with Degree in Electrical Engineering and 4 years Experience for Diploma Engineers (Electrical). Experience in construction of 33/11 KV Sub-stations & EHT Sub-Stations, Erections of EHT lines, Erection and O & M of SPV Power Plants & Smart Metering will be preferred. Upper age limit-35 years.
Engineer (Civil)
Degree/ Diploma in Civil Engineering
Minimum 2 Years Experience for Graduate Engineers with Degree in Civil Engineering and minimum 4 years Experience for Diploma Engineers (Civil). Experience in Construction of 33/11 KV Sub-Stations and EHT Sub-Station & EHT lines will be preferred. Upper Age Limit- 35 Years.
HR Executive
Graduate with MBA in HR/ Personnel Management
Minimum 7 years Experience in Corporate Sector. Should have worked in Human Recourses, Personnel Management & Office Administration with 250 persons and above. Upper Age Limit- 40 Years.
Account Assistance
B.Com/ M.Com with Good Computer Knowledge preference will be given to Inter ICWA/ Inter CA
Minimum 4 years Experience in Corporate Accounts. Upper Age Limit-35 years
Office Assistance
B.Com with Good Computer Knowledge in Accounting Software
Minimum 4 years Experience in Corporate Accounts including Office Works. Upper Age Limit-35 years
Data Entry Operator
Graduate with Computer Knowledge
Minimum 4 years experience in Data Entry and office Works. Upper Age Limit- 35 Years
8 th Class Pass
Persons with working Experience in Govt. Office/ Corporate Office will be preferred, Upper Age Limit- 35 year.

 Interested eligible candidates are required to download the application format (CV) from our website: www.wapcos.co.in & submit the same duly filled in along with all documents in support of their eligibility by Speed Post/Registered Post only in a cover super scribed 
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF___________ ” so as to reach the Project Manager, PMC, WAPCOS Limited, Plot No- N3/200, IRC Village, Near Ekamra Villa Chowk, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar- 751015, Odisha by 05 PM of dt. 15.02.2017 positively.

Application received after the due date & delay in postal service or for any other reason shall not be entertained and will be rejected. Under no circumstances applications by hand will be entertained. Multiple applications in one Envelope will not also be accepted.

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