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National Government Services Portal

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Government Jobs

Sarkari Naukri

Central Government Freshers Jobs | Freshers Openings in Central Government | Careers

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
[A Government of India Enterprise]

1. Pls. apply through the e-recruitment portal. To apply through the portal you need to first
register. You can register using the following link:
2. After creation of your profile, pls. ensure that you apply against the appropriate position by
going to the “Employment Opportunities” tab. Only creation of profile does not ensure
consideration of your candidature for a job.
3. In case of any difficulty, please send your feedback by clicking on the “Feedback” link by giving
the description of your problem and your contact number.
4. Last date for submission of applications is 05.04.2017.
5. Please read The Other General Conditions before applying for the positions.

For More Information Click On Following Link